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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
Quel temps fait-il?

Quel temps fait-il?

Print two sets of these cards on printable business card sheets for an instant MEMORY GAME. Or run one set for "group work" cue cards. Or use them as flash cards. Or run one card for every student and have them find their "twin" / "triplets" by travelling around the room asking "Quel temps fait-il?" Or . . . This is an updated resource. Two years ago, I took the original “Quel temps fait-il?” card set down until I could find the time to create optional “windy” and “sunny” cards that might please everyone. (Do you think that I may be a procrastinator?) I’ve also updated the graphics.
Two Remembrance Day Activities

Two Remembrance Day Activities

Imagic After your students have solved the Imagic (visual crossword) puzzle, challeng them to make a little Imagic of their own. Broken Words In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute and recopy words that have been broken into pieces and scattered over the game grid. Students may play individually or in pairs. The words in this puzzle are: 1 hero 2 honour 3 prayer 4 silence 5 bugle 6 poppies 7 service 8 weapon 9 courage 10 parade 11 battle 12 defend I’ve included a suggestion for extending the lesson for this activity.
LA SAINT-VALENTIN (jeu tarsia/ triangle puzzle)

LA SAINT-VALENTIN (jeu tarsia/ triangle puzzle)

Students have to match the sentence fragments and Q and As printed along the edges of the triangles in this puzzle. In so doing, they will reconstitute the following  25  statements on the themes of friendship and Valentine’s Day and “build” a heart Cette année je vais envoyer des cartes numériques. J’ai beaucoup de chance d’avoir un(e) ami(e) comme toi! Petit bandit! Tu as volé mon coeur. Prends-moi dans tes bras. = Fais-moi un calin. Je t’aime un peu . . . beaucoup … À LA FOLIE! un ours en peluche = image d’un ours en peluche S.t.p., ne joue pas avec mon coeur! le petit Cupidon = image d’un Cupidon Pourquoi la St-Valentin est-elle la fête préférée de M. Hershey et M. Cadbury? Il lui demande en mariage. [+ image] Papa offre des fleurs à Maman! Malheureusement, ce sont des dents-de-lion! Tu es comme une calculatrice; je peux toujours compter sur toi! Quelle fleur symbolise l’amour? La rose rouge. Que vas-tu faire pour Maman le 14 fevrier? Le petit déjeuner au lit! Tu es mon ami(e) parce que tu es très sympa. Ce bonbon est un coeur de conversation. [+ image] Ma recette pour un dîner romantique? image d’une boîte de dîner Kraft. Voici l’acrostiche d’un mot important: Aimable, Magnifique, Imaginatif Un admirateur secret t’achète une boîte de chocolat! Un synonyme de copain / copine est ami / amie. Je t’aime gros comme ça! [+ image] C’est toi et moi pour toujours! “x,x,x” a la fin d’ une lettre = bisou, bisou, bisou Mon meilleur ami / Ma meilleure amie? C’est toi, bien sûr! Chaque [image d’un chat + k] seconde passé avec toi est un moment de bonheur! LA SAINT-VALENTIN (JEU TARSIA/TRIANGLE PUZZLE) est une activité coopérative. Elle encouragera vos étudiants à se focaliser et à s’entraider pour trouver les solutions ci-dessus. To be sure that this activity is right for your students, please download the free “futur simple” triangle puzzle at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-6450469 Si vous cherchez un puzzle tarsia un peu plus difficile pour vos étudiants plus avancés, je vous propose COUP DE COEUR: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12965687
JOYEUX NOËL: a French sentence-building game

JOYEUX NOËL: a French sentence-building game

Warning: JOYEUX NOËL includes several juvenile jokes about reindeer poop . . . the chocolate Christmas snack not the actual reindeer droppings. If you are already peeling your students off the ceiling, do not play this game. And definitely don’t make and share any reindeer poop using the super simple, 3-ingredient recipe included. ZIPLINE PHRASES are sentence-building games full of humour and serious learning. Students work in teams to build sentences by connecting any two dialogue balls directly linked by a straight line. Each ball may only be used once per sentence. All sentences must be (relatively) logical! JOYEUX NOËL will encourage your students to think in context and to speak and / or write in full sentences.
Trouvé (à la maison)

Trouvé (à la maison)

"Trouvé" is a game inspired by Spot it™ or Dobble™. There is one matching expression between any two cards. "Trouvé" encourages students to concentrate, to read attentively and to pronounce the thematic vocabulary carefully. Included are a "how to play" guide and a deck of 54 cards to be printed on card stock, laminated and cut out. "Trouvé" est un jeu inspiré par Spot it™ou Dobble™. Il y a toujours une expression identique entre deux cartes. "Trouvé' encouragera vos étudiants à se concentrer, à lire attentivement et à bien prononcer le vocabulaire thématique. The grade levels will vary depending on whether your programme is in core, immersion or first-language French.
FRENCH: Où sont les trésors cachés (verbes ER)

FRENCH: Où sont les trésors cachés (verbes ER)

Où sont les trésors cachés? (les verbes ER) works well as a full-class, teacher-directed game or as a small group activity. After the fun of the oral treasure hunt, you can also assign coordinates to create an instant written assignment to reinforce the correct conjugation of the verbs. You’ll find that even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully and the promise of “treasure” tends to generate enthusiastic oral participation as well. My answer key is for “le présent” and “le passé composé” but the game works for virtually every verb tense and even the subjunctive mood. I’m proud to say that, globally, this game has been downloaded over 6000 times. OÙ SONT LES TRÉSORS game sheets also are available for the following verbs and themes: Les verbes IR Les verbes RE Les verbes ER, IR and RE ÊTRE et AVOIR Les expressions AVOIR (3 game sheets) DEVOIR, VOULOIR et POUVOIR FAIRE, PRENDRE, METTRE OUVRIR, DÉCOUVRIR, SORTIR, PARTIR SAVOIR, CONNAÎTRE et RECONNAÎTRE Les verbes conjugués avec ÊTRE Les verbes PRONOMINAUX) The 10 premium games bundled. Enter “Où sont” in the search window of my shop to find them: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Carlav
Mots coupés (Halloween) 2.0

Mots coupés (Halloween) 2.0

In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute and recopy words that have been broken down into syllables and scattered over the game grid. Students may play individually or in pairs. The words in this puzzle are: 1 horreur (f.) 2 chaudron (m.) 3 grimoire (m.) 4 squelette (m.) 5 fantôme (m.) 6 hanté 7 sorcier (m.) 8 zombie (m.) 9 citrouille (f.) 10 cercueil (m.) 11 balai (m.) 12 souris (f.) L’intrus: peur
Message magique pour motiver: VOULOIR, C’EST POUVOIR!

Message magique pour motiver: VOULOIR, C’EST POUVOIR!

These message cards are just little ice-breakers. They look a bit like QR codes until you raise them to eye level and read the “magical messages” from bottom (indicated by a number) to top.  Decades ago, these things took me forever and a day to draw by hand. But then I could legitimately challenge my students to draw a message of their own. Nowadays, I use the computer so they just take forever. However, I’ve lost the moral authority to launch my drawing challenge. But the “wow” moment when a student actually sees the message still makes it worthwhile. If you print your magical messages on card stock you can also use them as little reward records. Once my students accumulate ten stickers or stamps on the back of their magic message card, they redeem the card for a small treat or a bonus point on a future test.
Quelles qualités cherches-tu chez ton ami(e)?

Quelles qualités cherches-tu chez ton ami(e)?

I've updated this PDF and have incorporated the how to play guide. A few years ago, I had to cover a Family Studies’ class. The students had been studying healthy relationships and my job was to run a Values’ Auction. The kids were so taken by the activity that I took home a copy to rework for a unit on Les amis et la vie sociale. I hope your students enjoy it as much as mine do.
Hanoucca ('C'est touchant' est comme 'Boggle'

Hanoucca ('C'est touchant' est comme 'Boggle'

A five minute filler for French teachers. If your classes enjoy my Christmas puzzles, please let me know and I'll post some of my others . . . les verbes ER, la Saint-Valentin, au bord de l'eau, au cinéma, etcetera.
Scrabble (and Bananagrams) on Steroids.

Scrabble (and Bananagrams) on Steroids.

If you use Scrabble or Bananagrams in your Language Arts or Modern Languages classroom, these floor tiles for Scrabble (roughly 8" square) will add another perspective to the proceedings. The tile count officially required for Scrabble games in English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch are included. Run the tiles off, laminate them, push the desks to the walls - or, better yet, go outside to the playing field - and enjoy some serious play! (The "W" layout has been redone.)
Let's get to the bottom of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR

Let's get to the bottom of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR

"Let's get to the bottom (or top) of 'LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR "is a competitive, repetitive game that will help your students to listen 'actively' and to master the expressions through the process of osmosis. It tends to generate very enthusiastic participation!
Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)

Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)

A five minute filler for French teachers. If your classes enjoy my Christmas puzzles, please let me know and I'll post some of my others . . . les verbes ER, la Saint-Valentin, Hanukkah, au cinéma, etcetera.
Some more little Christmas rebus puzzles.

Some more little Christmas rebus puzzles.

As you count down to the holidays, you might like these four little Christmas-themed rebus puzzles as icebreakers or fillers. Thanks to their mad texting skills, today’s kids get the principle behind rebus puzzles intuitively but I’ve included a “how-to” page nonetheless. Heads up! Biblical though one of the terms in puzzle # 4 may be, I would reserve it for older students. The solution is, “Let us go for a sleigh ride” and, as you can see in the preview, the picture clues include a (jack)ass.
A Christmas rebus to decipher (The Little Drummer Boy)

A Christmas rebus to decipher (The Little Drummer Boy)

A tiny Christmas cracker of an activity for the weeks before the holidays. Challenge your students to decipher the lyric, “I played my drum for Him, parumpapapum”! Merry Christmas, everyone! If you’d like some more Christmas rebus puzzles, have a look at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/twelve-christmas-rebus-puzzles-11176843
Un rébus pour Halloween

Un rébus pour Halloween

A five-minute filler. Thanks to their texting skills, today’s students intuit the principle behind rebus puzzles but I’ve included a “comment déchiffrer un rébus” guide nonetheless. This rebus is intended for native speakers, Immersion, Extended & advanced Core French classes.